〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 2010.2.12発行.No20(毎週金曜日発行)〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓

                 株式会社 セイガンスピーク メールマガジン

Sagan Speak Co., Ltd  English  Educational  Newsletter





■ 今 週 の I N D E X









無償化私立高、逆に競争率上昇 関西3府県で入試始まる








学費滞納で卒業不可や中退 困窮生徒に支援の輪


学力テスト、我が街も受けたい 「自主参加」の希望続々


500人の授業料全額免除 兵庫・大手前大、通信教育課程


高校授業料の滞納分、貸し出し検討 中退回避へ厚労相


教職員ボーナス削り奨学金工面 上智大、年10万円支給


環太平洋大の認可申請で不正 文科省、創志学園を処分



〓 2.各学校様からの外国人講師派遣のご相談で感じること(その2)
























            〓 3.日本の中の不思議な英語表現(その3) 〓







Introducing MOCHI CREAM with delicious creamy filling.

Available in a variety at enchanting flavours.

Cafe ole, green tea, chocolate, apple, and much more.

Bon appelite!






Introducing MOCHI CREAM with delicious creamy filling,

available in a variety of delightful flavors,

such as cafe au lait, green tea, chocolate, apple,and many more.

Bon appétit


 〓 4.スティーブン自叙伝(第11話その4) 〓



今回も先週号の続きです。Conkering concluded

 It was common for mates to call on other mates in a morning to walk to school together.

Mike Hutton, one of my old mates, would always be knocking on my door at just before

eight every school day morning for me to walk to school with him.  We would then call on

Adi who lived just around the corner from me.  The good thing about calling on Adi in a

morning, apart from the fact that he was one of my best mates, was that he lived in a house

that cut everybody’s walking time to school by half.  All we had to do was walk to the end

of Adi”s garden and then walk an additional 100 metres and we then connected with the

road that faced onto our school, another 10 minutes walking and we were at the school

gates total walking time 15 minutes - the normal way to school would take us 30 minutes

or so.  This meant that all the mates in my group could get at least an extra 15 minutes

or so in bed, which considering the low temperatures we used to wake up to, this meant a

lot.  In actual fact at times Adi had other boys at our school approach him asking him if

they could walk through his garden to school – Adi was offered sweets, fireworks

( only near Bonfire Night – in the UK one can only buy fireworks from shops in October

and early November ), Adi was even offered money on one occasion, but he always said no.

If ever Adi was absent from school, which was very rare, we still called on him and either

he or his mum would answer the door and let us through his home so we could walk

through his garden to school.

  At Adi’s we pulled out our conkers to compare sizes, shapes and the way that they were

threaded through a piece of string.  Mine and Mike’s conkers were pretty similar, big,

shiny and hard with very clean holes bored through and big notes tied, so the conker

would not easily be pulled through when in battle.  Adi’s conker, however, was small,

shriveled up and very hard, extremely hard , it didn’t look like much of a threat to any

other conker, but it was.  It was about 2 years old and it had been soaked in vinegar

and then baked in the oven for a short time, it was somewhat battle scarred, it had had

most of its shell smashed off, but apart from that it was intact – Mike and I would not be

playing against Adi as we knew we would easily get beaten – our conkers had not been

soaked in vinegar nor baked in the oven, we were purists and we were out to see how

well we could do against similar conkers.  The only time I would soak conkers in

vinegar and then bake then was if I managed to win all my conker battles and have a

champion current season conker.  This happened to me once, my conker became a niner

which means it beat 9 other conkers, the last conker it beat was a Laggie, the Laggie I

beat was pretty well smashed up when we went into battle so it was an easy win.

  On the way to school we saw lots of boys, some younger than us, the same age and

older than us having conker battles on their way to school – the teachers must have

dreaded conker playing season because of all the lateness that occurred.  We were

eager to get to school and into the playground because that was where the real action

was. When we got there there were conker battles going on all over the playground, it

looked really good and we were all very excited.  There were even teachers in the

playground watching and getting involved in giving advice to certain boys on how to

stand and how to hold there conkers – they were reliving their youths and they were

enjoying every minute of it.  We split up and went to different parts of the playground

to try to get a match with someone.  We had about 20 minutes remaining before the

bell was due to ring and we had all managed to get a match, I easily beat another

one-er which made my conker a two-er, and my conker was virtually unscathed. 

Mike lost to a three-er and Adi beat another Laggie – the Laggie Adi beat had

previously beaten 28 conkers which now made Adi’s conker a forty-eight-er – there

was a lot of buzz about this and as the bell went and we all started to go into the

school and into our classrooms we heard some older boys talking about Adi’s conker

 – from the chat it seemed Adi was going to be in for quite a few matches during lunch


  Lunch time finally came and after wolfing down the main course and the pudding

we were back out into the playground and looking for matches.  I had 5 matches

during lunch time and won them all. I was doing very well, my conker was now a six-er,

but it was now badly beaten up and I knew that it was not going to win any more

battles, actually just before the bell rang to end lunch time I lost to a two-er and my

opponent,s conker then became an eight-er – I was pretty satisfied with my

performance though.  Mike was watching Adi up against a big current season conker

and the boy he was playing was an older boy, the older boy seemed to think that the

extra strength he had would mean that he would easily beat Adi’s conker – he was

obviously not very conker savvy because the harder he smashed Adi’s conker the more

he smashed his own conker – the result was inevitable – Adi still had his conker on the

string and the other conker was off the string, on the floor and in pieces. As I have

already mentioned, I was never into the Laggie thing, playing conkers for me was about

carefully preparing and then playing with current season conkers – if I were bringing

my children up in England I would be able to teach them all I know about conker

playing, but as I live in Japan this may never happen, not unless I get an opportunity

to go back to the UK in October.

 As far as I know the game of conkers is not played in Japan, but if anyone has any other

information to the contrary I would love to hear about it, maybe another similar game is played,

but with different  types of nuts or vegetables of some sort.  As a substitute, I wonder if we

could use the edible chestnuts that are available in Japan - I think I will look into the possibility

of doing this.  If any one reading this story has any interesting stories connected to their

conkering exploits I and all the other newsletter readers would love to hear them.   Thank you

in advance for reading my meager and often rushed offerings and I will be back with the finger

on the keys next week to write something else from my early childhood that just might interest you.           


〓 5.編集後記(メルマガ編集者らによる雑感コーナー) 〓





















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