〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 2009.12. 11発行.No13(毎週金曜日発行)〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓
                 株式会社 セイガンスピーク メールマガジン

Sagan Speak Co., Ltd  English  Educational  Newsletter


〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 今 週 の I N D E X 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓







           〓 1.気になる最近のニュース 〓



●『ぐんま国際アカデミー』開校5年目(群馬県太田市) 高等部開校控え、不安も


●「無気力生徒に苦労」「いじめ隠されている」 若手教員、悩みを共有








●職員も授業受け持ち担任も 学生指導に大きな役割


●暴力への対応 警察頼り 「問題なら通報」連携強める学校




















































3.弊社所属の外国人派遣講師による日本の英語教育への提言(その6) 〓


■今週も弊社の派遣講師Angela Stark(アンジェラ・ストーク)による、彼女の経験を通した


Pining for Christmas

As we approach Christmas and the weather turns cold, Westerners in Japan get

 homesick for family gatherings, halls decked with boughs of holly, the smell of

 pine needles, and—everyone’s favorite topic—holiday food.  In my family,

Christmas afternoon means chatting in the kitchen while snacking on fresh

veggies, home-baked cookies or fudge, and celery stuffed with cream cheese

and paprika.  If we’re lucky my sister will prepare nacho dip with tortilla

chips or spicy cream cheese with shrimp and crackers.  You’ve got to be

careful not to fill up on the appetizers, though: dinner is in the works.


The kids disappear into their bedrooms to play with their new toys while

the adults discuss gravy recipes and cooking times, fiddle with the oven, and

clatter pots and pans about the kitchen.  When everything is ready, we spread

our feast out on the dining table: mashed potatoes and stuffing with homemade

gravy, thick slices of warm turkey or ham, fresh-baked rolls with butter, and some

salad and steamed vegetables to round out the meal.  Everyone has a favorite;

my sister’s plate is dominated by mashed potatoes, while I take second and

third helpings of stuffing and slather them with gravy.  Christmas dinner is

American over-indulgence at its best.  It is the time of year when you are

given license to eat as much as you like and not feel guilty.

After dinner we clean up the evidence of our gluttony (saving the leftovers

for future meals of turkey sandwiches and enchiladas) and then, too full

and tired for anything else, gather together in the living room with cups of

hot coffee.  We sink into the big soft couches and our bellies struggle to

digest the huge meals with which they have been burdened.  Our chatting

fades along with our energy.  My nieces cuddle up with fuzzy blankets as

we find a movie on TV. 

When he has waited as long as he can stand, my dad (who is ever quick to

metabolize his meals) breaks into a grin and asks, “Pie?”  Whether it’s homemade

or store bought, marionberry, apple, cherry, or pumpkin, there is always pie—and

vanilla ice cream or freshly whipped cream to top it off.  We load up our plates

for one last feast and eventually, as the clock ticks later and later, we bundle

up in our winter coats, gather together our presents and leftovers, and slowly say

our goodbyes.  Every Christmas must end eventually, but there is always another


As you may have read between the lines, it’s not so much miss the taste of

stuffing and gravy that I’m really pining for, but the meaning those foods carry.

 It’s the moments that happen between bites; it’s my niece’s head on my

shoulder and my mom’s bright laughter.  It’s watching my family grow and change. 

I am not going to be home for the holidays this year, so I won’t have

marionberry pie at my holiday table—but I will feast on memories of

Christmases past.  Happy holidays, everyone!


 〓 4.スティーブン自叙伝(第9話・前号) 〓


■以下は、本メルマガに連載形式にて好評掲載中の弊社 スティーブン・オーストウィック


 Sending Out A Search Party - continued

So there we were, my mates and I, down the side of a dyke all feeling pretty scared

and looking up at all these older boys looking down at us, all with an intent to bully

us, and bully us they did. 

The gang leader was a boy called Gibbo, he was 11 or 12 at the time and for his

tender years he was already a well accomplished bully and trouble causer and considering

all the bad things he got up to, he was never sent away to a remand school.  I think

this had something to do with the fact that he, Gibbo, was very good at football, when

I was a kid being good at something usually meant you could get away with things

other kids could not, I am sure it is still the same today.  In actual fact I ended up

playing in the same football team as Gibbo some 3 years later, I too became a bit of a

good football player and as I got older I ended up replacing him in the school football

team.  He was not happy about that, as I remember, but I was not 9 years old anymore

and I was ready for anything he might try to do to hurt me.  As it turned out, he did

not do or say anything to me, as far as I can remember he was pretty supportive after

that, god really does work in mysterious ways.  Many of the other boys that attacked

us on that day ended up in remand school as they moved through their teens, some of

them actually graduated into prisons as they entered adulthood.

Gibbo and his fellow bullies started their assault by throwing clods of earth and stones

into the water, we were frozen with fright and could not move, so as you can imagine

we were all getting pretty wet, and by now tears from some of us were beginning to

appear and fall.  All the boys were shouting at us which made the experience even

more  terrifying.  Some of the boys then started to run down the side of the dyke

and threaten to push us into the water.  The water was not so deep as it was just

drain-off from the field, but the reality was that we were going to end up being

pushed into it and there was nothing that we could do about it.  That was until

Gibbo suggested that a game of Chicken might be a more amusing and sadistic way

of achieving the same objective, and that is what happened, Gibbo and his crew

decided to played Chicken with us.  My mates and I used to play Chicken all the

time for fun, but this was not the fun version we were about to play, but the bully

and torture version. 

The first part of the dyke was fairly narrow, so we were able to jump across from

one side of the dyke to the other without getting wet.  With tears in our eyes

and tears streaming down our faces, we were continually being forcibly pushed

further and further down the dyke and the further we were pushed the wider the

dyke became.  It finally got to the point where we could no longer jump across

without falling into the water and this is what Gibbo and his crew were waiting for. 

By this time, two of my friends were crying and sobbing so much that they were

taken back up into the field and punched and kicked and told that if they did not

leave they would be abused further, so still sobbing and crying uncontrollably, they


There were now two of us left to continue to provide amusement for Gibbo and his

gang, myself and my mate Adi.  Adi and I were ordered to jump across the dyke

at a very wide point, it was too wide and we were both surely going to fall in, we were

both kicked and punched into jumping position by the gang and by this time we were

both crying from pain and shaking from fear.   I was told to jump first, I jumped

and tried my best to get to the other side, I almost made it, but I slipped back and

went into the water, at this point I was forcibly stopped from getting out, I kept

trying to get out, but kept getting pushed back in and further abused.  My mate

Adi was then told to jump and he managed to reach the other side, but was then

pushed back in and he too was stopped from getting out and abused.  The ordeal

finally came to an end when one of the gang members said I think they have had

enough, let em go.  As Gibbo and his gang started to leave one gang member took

my flask out of my rucksack and poured the remaining tea into the water, he also

ook the bag of brambles that I had been saving for us all to eat when we got to our

final destination and threw them all into the water.  When Gibbo and his gang had

all left Adi and I got out of the water and collected ourselves, calmed ourselves down

and assessed the damage.  I had two wet feet and my T-shirt was wet, I had no tea

and no brambles.  My mate Adi had faired a bit better, he just had two wet feet and

a wet rucksack.  We both took our socks off and squeezed out the water, we put some

straw into our shoes to try to soak up some of the water, we then took out the straw,

put our socks and shoes back on and told each other that our socks and shoes would

dry with our body heat.  As we were climbing back up the bank of the dyke into the

field we heard Steve, Adi are you alright?  Are you there?  Are you okay? 

It was Mike and Mark, our other two mates, who had come back to join us, they did

not go home, but waited in the distance until Gibbo and his gang disappeared.

We all then sat down and talked about the ordeal that we had all just been through

and we decided that it was not going to stop us from continuing on our journey. 

With our feet wet and spirits somewhat dampened, we started out again, we would

have to walk about another hour or so before getting to where we needed to be,

but we would get there in the end.  We did wonder if anything else was going to

happen to us along the way, I must admit from there on in we were forever looking

over our shoulders and behind us to check to make sure we were not being followed

by Gibbo and his gang.  To be continued next week. 


        〓 5.編集後記(メルマガ編集者らによる雑感コーナー) 















れば、1位 一橋大学、2位 聖心女子大、3位 慶応義塾大学、4位 神戸女学院大学、

5位 東京大学、6位 甲南女子大学、7位 津田塾大学、8位 国際基督教大学、

9位 東京女子大学、10位 上智大学とのことです。この順位の原因としては、金融系


































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 電 話 03-5493-8193

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