〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 2009.11. 20.No10(毎週金曜日発行)〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓
                 株式会社 セイガンスピーク メールマガジン

Sagan Speak Co., Ltd  English  Educational  Newsletter

〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 今 週 の I N D E X 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓




4.スティーブン自叙伝(第9話)Sending out a search party



〓 1.気になる最近のニュース 〓



教育転換:政権交代の波/1 教員養成6年化


教員養成制度:6年制、29教委反対 「負担増、志望減る」


●母校愛と個性は中高から 私大、傘下に新設・系列化







〓 2.弊社開発の新英語授業プログラム「リンクインシステム」のセミナー開催(その1)







































〓3.弊社所属の外国人派遣講師による日本の英語教育への提言(その3) 〓


■弊社の派遣講師Angela Stark(アンジェラ・ストーク)による、彼女の経験を通した日本


Every student is unique; each brings her own experience, ability, and motivation

to class.  This is especially true in a class of returnee students not only is

there the usual range of personalities, but each member of the class has lived

overseas in a different place for a different length of time.  In the class I am

teaching, I have one student who lived most of her life in Scotland, another who

lived in London for a year and a half, and two who lived in the U.S. before

beginning elementary school.  There are girls who lived in Hong Kong, Kuwait,

Austria, Brazil, and Thailand.  Some basically grew up overseas, and some

could barely write roman letters when they joined my class.

  As you can imagine, this can be a challenging group to teach.  The textbook we

are using is appropriately aimed toward the average level in my class, and

involves a variety of vocabulary building, listening, writing, reading, and

speaking activities.  Still, I am always concerned that the more advanced

students are bored and the lower level students are struggling.

Yesterday I decided to try something new a group writing activity. 

The days grammar point was If [possible situation], [subject]

will/might/may (have to, be able to) [verb].  Ill give examples in a

moment, but first allow me to explain the activity.

I asked the students (there were seventeen yesterday) to put their desks in a

circle. I gave each student a piece of paper, and had her write a sentence using

the days grammar structure.  Then each student passed her paper to the left.

On the paper she received from the student on her right, she wrote a new

sentence based on the first sentence.  They kept passing their papers until

each persons first sentence came back to her.  The beginning sentences

might look something like this:


     If you get a dog, youll have to walk it every day.

     If you walk your dog every day, you might meet your neighbors.

     If you meet your neighbors, you might become friends.

     If you make new friends, you will be able to


In a class where students are shy to ask questions or speak up, they were

asking each other (and me) about vocabulary and spelling.  They were reading

their stories aloud and laughing, excited to see the progression of sentences.

Everyone still had a few lines left to write when the bell rang to announce

the end of class, but instead of jumping up to leave the room, they stayed

in their desks, writing until they finished, and eagerly awaiting the return

of the stories they had started. 

Most importantly, they were learning while having all this fun!

    〓 4.スティーブン自叙伝(第9話)Sending out a search party ” 〓

■以下は、本メルマガに連載形式にて好評掲載中の弊社 スティーブン・オーストウィック


 Sending Out A Search Party

 I think most people have seen the movie Stand By Me starring the late River

Pheonix.  Well, my story does not quite involve going out into the country side

to try to find a dead body, but it does involve some of the other things that

River Phoenix and his mates got up to in the movie.

In the first house that I lived in my bedroom looked out onto a farmers field,

actually miles and miles of uninterrupted farmers fields that my friends and

I would often walk across at weekends and during school holiday times in search

of an adventure or two. I can clearly remember waking up every morning, opening

my curtains and looking out over the fields, I would always open my window so

I could listen to the industrious sounds of nature going about its business.

Through my window I would see ploughed fields during the winter time and then

as spring and summer approached I would see cabbages or potatoes growing and then

see turnips, and on other occasions I would see peas and other root crop

vegetables growing, the type of crop I would see would all depend on the crop

rotation calendar of the farmer.  As you probably know, crops are rotated at

certain intervals to make sure the earth is allowed to replenish itself, if the

same crops are grown year after year in the same field the earth loses precious


Summer was my favourite time of the year because the fields were full of golden

ears of corn waiting to be harvested, I always looked forward to seeing the big

Massey Ferguson combined harvesters coming down our street and then entering the

field to cut the corn.  As soon as the combine harvesters started to cut the corn

you would see rabbits and hares jumping up and down and running for their lives.

Very often the farmers would carry shot guns in the cab of their combine harvesters

ready for such an eventually so they could shoot a few rabbits and hares to take

home for their wives to cook, that or they would sell to a local butcher and make a

bit of money.  After the fields had been cut the bailer would come along and bail

all the straw ready for using to feed and keep the farmers livestock warm during the

winter months.  After the bailing had all been done the farmers would leave the

bails in the fields for sometimes as long as two weeks, this meant that my mates

and I could do a lot of house/den building in that time. There were two types of

bails, round ones and rectangular ones, the rectangular ones were best for stacking

because we could make dens/houses a lot easier.  I have to mention that we were not

really allowed to play in the fields with the straw bails, but the farmers pretty

much used to turn a blind eye to it, one or two farmers would shout and tell us to

get out of the field, but in general we were left alone to play and have fun.

One particular day in the summer of 1972, I was about 9 years old at the time,

I woke up at the usual time of 7am and opened my curtains and then opened both

my bedroom windows to listen to what was going on outside.  I can remember the

early morning sun warming my face as I looked out into the distance, it was a really

beautiful summer day.  I went down for breakfast as usual and then got dressed and

ready for the day ahead.  I was on my school summer holiday and my four mates and

I had planned to go walking through the fields looking for an adventure or two.

We had decided not to take any lunch boxes with us, as we were expecting to find

our food along the way and then make a fire and cook it.  I explained about this to

my mum and she of course tried to get me to take a lunch box, but I was adamant

that it was not necessary, as we would easily find food along the way.  In the end

my mum made a flask of hot sweet milky tea for me to take which I appreciated and

off I went to meet my mates.  My mates and I had arranged to meet near an old black

barn at the foot of the first field at half past eight, I got there at just before

twenty past eight and two of my mates were already waiting.  After waiting for the

last of my mates to arrive we set off on our intrepid journey.

To be continued next week..........   

               〓 5.編集後記 〓

















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